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Sun, Mar 16 2025, 3:55:52 GMT-6Login ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time ]

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Date Posted: Fri, Feb 08 2008, 20:54:23 GMT-6
In reply to: Tran Pa 's message, "HACK E-GOLD BLINDSPOT!....MAKE FAST MONEY" on Sun, Apr 09 2006, 8:36:05 GMT-6

>My name is Drad Smith.I am a computer engineer from
>the U.K. I have been studying the e-gold's security
>system for about 5 years now. I discovered a secret
>that can make you money on it. Yes,call it hacking but
>I don't think so. To me it's a lapse in security
>system and you get money from it into your e-gold a/c
>without any alert to the e-gold security systems.
>I have a software that made me understand this. Make a
>particular spend accompanied by a certain memo to a
>particular e-gold number and 900% return in 1hr
>automatically. I just comes back. I tried
>$1,$2,$3,$4,..............,$10,but nothing.by the time
>I put in $11, after 1hr, i got $ 99 in my egold. After
>this, i tried $12,.....................,$20,but got no
>response. So i tried $11 again and surprisingly after
>1hrs i got $99 back automatically later I discovered
>that the number 11 and putting the last two digits of
>your e-gold account as the change is synonymous to
>e-gold's security system.more like a blind number.
>Believe it or not, this just simply works. It's your
>choice if you need fast money or not. i just do this
>for fun, not the money. That is my job.Break online
>securities for pride.This is not the first, though one
>of the hardest. Any higher or lower spend will result
>in loss. So only put in11 dollars and the last digits
>of your e-gold account as the change (example:11._ _).
>Put any more and it wont work. Send $11._ _(last two
>digits of e-gold account number in blank spots) to
>http://744669.e-gold.com/. This the link to their
>processing centre and write " #endofmsgPresto229
>charset=us-ascii " as the memo. and see what happens
>in 1hr.
>I will give you my email . drad815@yahoo.com.
>I believe you will mail or call to thank me.I
>discovered this on the 29th of March. I have even sent
>ten $11 payments one time and made $990 into my egold.
>I will let you know if anything goes wrong. TRUST MY

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