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Date Posted: 17:54:17 09/16/01 Sun
Author: vonda
Subject: From England on last week--from a friend

Hi Vonda,

Following the terrible events in the US this week Britain really is in
mournng.....there have been several Services broadcast live to our Nation,
periods of silence declared prior to all televised events and a host of other
things to Mark this tragic occasion and pay our respects at this time.

Many TV programmes have been cancelled because of scenes they contain which
may have just too much significance with people at the moment, I have never
witnessed so much sympathy, empathy and reaching out as I have seen this week.

I hope the reponse to this weeks events in whatever form it comes does not
bring more tragedy onto the US, although the temptation to Retaliate is
strong I really hope that the result is something that will unite different
cultures to one common goal rather than widen the divide which so obviously

I suppose only time will tell.

I hope you and yours are all ok and I hope we never have to witness anything
like this again anywhere.


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