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Date Posted: 09:14:42 03/05/01 Mon
Author: Vonda
Subject: Re: My mom!!
In reply to: permission from Karen 's message, "My mom!!" on 10:12:12 03/04/01 Sun

Karen's delightful post about her mother, who is such a great character, depicts the joy and frustration of having our parents alive, a distance from us, and their needs vs. their wants. The responsibilty has shifted, and it is difficult to adapt to that. Karen said a very wise thing to me. We must remember that what we say (that we think is cute, now) will not be seen as cute when we are older and our children are doing their best to help us.

I have my mom, who is still very spry and very healthy. I must remember her age, in spite of that, and spend more unselfish time with her. I am making it a goal for the near future. Thank you Karen, for the "heads up".

On a personal basis I will try to not use the, "I'm not going to live much longer, you know" too often to get my way with my children. (They are on to that one, anyway)

When my two daughters and granddaughter were visiting me, the 'youngsters' decided to go to the store to get something. My granddaughter was going to go, too, but then said, "Oh, we shouldn't leave grandma by herself. I'll stay." (how sweet). My daughter said, "You don't know her as well as we do" (with a twinkle in her eye to me) and left. Hahahaheehee. I love that story. My daughter is just like me and that helps to keep things in perspective. I coulda gotten off on the sympathy of my granddaughter and just gone ahead and gotten old. My daughter (with that one comment) reminded me that I'm still young, healthy and strong.

I'm off to work. To you visiting, have a great day.

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  • Re: My mom!! -- Keitha, 14:32:43 03/14/01 Wed
  • True, so true! -- Vonda, 08:43:26 03/15/01 Thu
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