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Date Posted: 07:11:41 03/15/01 Thu
Author: Karen
Subject: Moms

Rebel without a reason, I had forgotten about that. When I remember back some of the things she said, it should have given me a clue of what was to come in her later years. She is still the most opinionated woman on the face of this earth. If you have ever listened to Dr. Laura, Grannie could out opinion her any day of the week. She still gives us all a good laugh and we can't wait to call one another after a visit, so we can share the latest Grannie story.

A few years ago she decided we should have a range grown turkey for Thanksgiving. Dinner was to be at grandson Rob's home. I was going to roast the bird at my house and take it over at dinner time. She had fit, it had to be cooked at Rob's house, the reason? So she could SMELL turkey when she walked in the door. We laughed for a week thinking it would be funny if we could find a aerosol can of turkey odor. Well Thanksgiving day, before she had both feet in the front door, her nose was in the air sniff, sniff, sniff----I DON'T SMELL ANY TURKEY, YOU COOKED IT AT YOUR HOUSE DIDN'T YOU? The whole family had been told of this smell thing before hand and it set the mood for the whole day. I can't say that our stomachs hurt from overeating or laughing. She will never live that one down.

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