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Date Posted: 18:59:20 03/17/01 Sat
Author: Vonda
Subject: Re: stock market: to Vonda and interested parties
In reply to: LarryPetersen 's message, "stock market: to Vonda and interested parties" on 11:13:11 03/17/01 Sat

Thanks a lot. I truly appreciate it.

If I look at the beginning to now (even though I had more money on paper a year ago) I really haven't lost anything.

Yes, it was fun to see my money quadruple and more, in six months to a year and think that was normal, especially when I was only closing my eyes and throwing the dice, so to speak (in other words, dumb luck)

To keep it simple, at this point, the goal is a moderate retirement income. But, my mind will dwell on figures and numbers for only a limited amount of time--not long enough to learn skill. So, my real decision is who to trust. Fidelity?--or do I have to learn your language and do it myself?


> We are in a bear market! But the worst is probably
> over. in one of the greatest massacres ever the
> and tech stocks are off over 60%!
> tO QUOTE a very wise voice!!
> The markets have cleary changed. The next 5 yrs.
> will be different. Rates of return going forward
> be average (10%) to below average.(verses above)
> Wasn't it fun while it lasted! Note,it will be
> important to get sector(industry) trends right
> investing with general market trends.
> The technology market isin a bear market which
>began a year ago. The other broad market of small
>cap and value
> stocks are in a bull cycle that began a year ago.

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