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Date Posted: 08:32:35 04/08/01 Sun
Author: Doesn't speed much
Subject: How to not get a speeding ticket

Well, tears don't work. Tried that, got the ticket.

Here's a better way.
My husband and I were on the way to visit a friend who had just given birth. I was pregnant, myself.

Got pulled over by a policeman.
He swaggered up to the driver's side of the car and signaled husband to roll down the window, which my husband did, reluctantly. The policman was very young but looked appropriately stern.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" he said synically.
"We're going to the hospital."

Young policeman's demeanor changes as he notices my swelled stomach. "Oh!" he said. "Follow me, then."

He gets in his car puts on the whirly light and pulls out ahead of us. Turns on the siren.

He leads us through traffic at a fast clip, pulls into the imergency station of the hospital, swings on by giving us a big wave as he goes on back to his duty on the highway.

I have to say that I had never had such a nice, safe drive to visit a friend in the hospital, before or since.

As for the young policeman? He's probably still feeling proud of himself.

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