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Date Posted: 07:53:21 06/12/01 Tue
Author: vonda
Subject: New Year's Eve 1956--The Whole Story--almost
In reply to: from Maureen 's message, "Re: New Year's Eve 1956" on 23:09:29 06/11/01 Mon

Phase one--Girl's party. Food, dancing (with each other, as we did in those days) and most of all, laughter.

Phase two--boys crash the party. Try to steal Maureen's parents nick-nacks.

Maureen gets very nervous, goes out to their car and takes the keys so they can't leave with any valuables. We girls watch them and when something dissapears from a shelf, we go out to the car one by one to get it and bring it back. Nothing malicious going on. It seemed a game. It was the girls duty to keep the guys out of trouble.

The boys leave Maureen's to seek out trouble unencumbered by we
over protective girls.

Phase three--wee hours of the night, we drive around the town to get
the boys out from the wilder parties. Find them. Apparently the food at that party had gone bad because they appeared wobbly on their feet, slurring speach and---must have come down with the flue. We decide that we must get one particular "boy" home for medical attention and get him in the front seat of the car to drive him home.

Almost at his home, he decided he is feeling much better and didn't want to go home. When I was paused at a stop sign, he reached over, turned the car key to off and threw them on the floor. We were a car full of teenagers, stopped at an intersection in the wee hours. Nothing delinquent going on.

As I was down on the floor looking for the keys, a police car pulled up.
He looked us over, saw that the 'boy' is not feeling too well, but chooses to ignore that when I explain that "We are taking him home."
But, not inclined to be completely merciful, he wrote out a
ticket for each of us for being out AFTER CURFEW.

OH GOD!!! We were supposed to be at Maureen's sound asleep!

We return to Maureen's home (after dropping the 'boy' off to receive medical attention from his parents) and ponder how we will face death by parent. We decide that our parents will not murder us with witnesses there, so we decide that we ALL have to go to each parent so we can prevent our parents doing us dire harm.

We do that and all lived to see the day.

Okay---this far, so good. Anyone remember the final episode????????

Maureen is in complete denial. She thinks she wasn't even there.


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