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Date Posted: 04:07:49 08/24/01 Fri
Author: Larry
Subject: Challenge

Vonda called for a new challenge. Well, here is one. Running the Rogue River next summer. It is a wild river and has a variety of white water with rapids running from III (exciting) to V (absolutely thrilling). Magnificent country, guides available, and an overnight tour (guide companies supply tents, food, supplies). Rather near entertainment possibilities include Shakesperean Festival in Ashland, jazz festival in Jacksonville, Crater Lake. Could be a heck of a thrill, fun opportunity for minor vacation, and chance to bring family. Takes no experience but a bit of a deep breath at times. Safe but very exciting. If it is a go it will need lots of lead time as limited slots on the river. By the way, Rainie Falls has a 12 foot drop so the thrill seekers will be satisfied. If more is needed hang gliding in nearby mountains is a possibility. So, just a thought for a possibility.

Cheers, Larry

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