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Date Posted: 23:34:51 03/15/23 Wed
Author: Comicality
Subject: Imagine Magazine March



A brand new issue of Imagine Magazine has been released! (Sorry, my computer is dealing with a FORCED update right now that I didn’t ask for or approve, so everything is moving at a snail’s pace right now! Grrrr!) Be sure to rush on over to read all of the new stories, chapters, articles...and of course, this month’s new collection of cute boys! :P

Also, I believe this might be the final chapter of “Mentoring Brandon” from Richiama this month! Or at least the last on that I have from him. So be sure to check that out and enjoy the series! If this is the end, then thanks for sharing with us, Richiama! And you’re welcome back any time if you have a new story that you’d like to add to Imagine Magazine! I'll be here to support ya, dude! ((Hugz))

Have fun, you guys! And Imagine will be back on April the 15th with even more goodies for ya! ::Nods::

Also, I have THREE new ebooks being published right now! I’ll be adding the links tomorrow night instead of tonight! Again...forced updates. Sighhhh. So be the first to grab your copies and be the envy of all of your online friends and stuff! Hehehe! If that’s, like...a thing. :)

Love you lots! And I’ll seezya soon!

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