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Date Posted: 16:29:50 05/08/23 Mon
Author: Comicality
Subject: (S) "Waiting Outside The Lines 30"

So...whether you've been waiting outside the lines or not (Hehehe see what I did there? ::Cheesy grin::) The new chapter is up and ready for you guys to jump into whenever you get a chance! Cool?

I'm feeling a bit sick at the moment, but I'll try to post again tomorrow night! Cool? I'm just trying to, like...NOT be sick right now! Sorry, it's sort of out of my control. But I'm dealing with it as best as I can. And it's been two or three days already, so I should be recovering soon. ::Nods:: Hehehehe!

THANKS so much for the emails this week, and the Paypal donations on the https://paypal.me/Comsie account for my birthday! I definitely had a good time! And next year, I plan to have an ever better time! I wish sooooo much that I could go back to work again, but the pandemic ruined everything. So, I'm still struggling with all of that. But your donations helped sooooo much! Thank you! Just five bucks was enough to change my life around! Thank you! And love you lots!

Anyway, I'm getting back to what I do best! I have to babysit for the family tomorrow in order to help out, which is always fun...because I'm a big kid at heart myself! LOL! Plus, I just need to be here to help my family out whenever they need me. I get to do something good, spend time with my younger cousins, and still have some fun in the process. So it's always awesome!

I'll seezya soon! And I hope you guys the new "Waiting Outside The Lines" chapter! Only a few more left to go before it's finished. I look forward to the grand finale! I hope you are too!



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