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Date Posted: 23:12:44 09/08/21 Wed
Author: Comicality
Subject: (S) "Left Without Words 23"

A brand new chapter of the "Left Without Words" series has just been posted! :) So, if you've been looking to check in on Shane and Dimitry...feel free to take a peek! And let me know what you think, when you get a chance! Cool?

Your comments always make me smile! ((Hugz In Advance))

Enjoy! And if this is your first time reading this story, you can start from the beginning at the link below! Cool?


Remember...SLOW DOWN!!! Hehehe, it's been less than 24 hours for goodness sakes! Bear with me! Geez! If I had 100 stories ready to go, you could only get two a day because of the eight hour embargo. So relax. Have some FUN, will you? Spend some of that waiting time leaving me an actual comment or two once in a while! Some of you guys still act like this is 'easy'. :P

"If you sleep, Desire grows in you Like a vine in the forest. Like a monkey in the forest You jump from tree to tree, Never finding the fruit - From life to life, Never finding peace. If you are filled with desire Your sorrows swell Like the grass after the rain. But if you subdue desire Your sorrows shall fall from you Like drops of water from a lotus flower." - Buddha

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