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Date Posted: 03:12:32 09/18/21 Sat
Author: Comicality
Subject: Imagine Magazine #76


It's true, ladies and gentlemen! Imagine has now moved into a much bigger building with much bigger offices! Matt Scott has his own arcade and a heated kiddie pool in his office now! ::Giggles:: I think he's gonna enjoy that!

Honestly, though...I was holding up production for a few days, and the Imagine staff worked miracles regardless! So huge kisses and gumdrops to every last one of them! XD

The September issue is now live and ready to go, folks! So dive right in and have some fun! Big thanks to everyone involved in submitting some of their own stories and articles into the mix! Always appreciated!!! And...you know what this means, right?

We're gearing up for one of our absolute FAVORITE holidays of the year! The cherished 'Halloween' issue for October! The goodies never stop! Not ever!

Check out the newest issue, and be sure to hit that green 'Up Vote' button at the bottom of the pages you enjoy! Let our creators and authors know that you appreciate all of the hard work that they put in for your entertainment! Cool? :)

Everything is FREE! You can't click a button? C'mon now! Hehehe, even you know that's bullshit!

Seezya soon with more! Have a good time! ((Hugz))

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