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Date Posted: 05:22:43 09/30/21 Thu
Author: Comicality
Subject: (Chapter 24)
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "(S) "Left Without Words 24"" on 05:20:01 09/30/21 Thu

"Left Without Words 24"

"Did you have breakfast this morning, Dimitry?" My mom asked. "I could easily whip something up for you if you want."

"No thank you, Mama number two..." He smiled. If only you could see the way my mom turned to jelly when she heard him call her that. "Papa made sure that I ate before I left. I'm ok and full. I thank you for the offer, though."

"Ok. Good to know." She said, and she, like...giggled afterward. Not like a Mom giggle either. It was weird. Like, HEY!!! Quit it! He's mine, dammit!

"Hi, Deme..." Sarah said, nearly shaking herself to pieces in front of him as usual. Has this whole house gone insane, or what? "You look nice today....in your shirt and...and your shorts." She was trembling, but I can't say that I blame her. Deme's long, smooth, legs were twin specimens of pure beauty. You couldn't look at their olive toned complexion and slick surfaces without salivating over how sexy they were. Note to self...the next time I get Deme alone...I want to lick his legs. I really do. They look delicious! I've been missing out during our 'spur of the moment' encounters.

"Good morning, Sarah. Thank you. I just threw something on to look presentable to register for school today." He said.

"You're registering for school? Already?" My mom asked. "That was pretty quick. You just moved here."

"Yes, but my father wants me to get right back to my studies as soon as possible so that I don't miss anything and end up having to repeat a grade for younger. Er...is that right? For younger? For earlier?"

"I understand what you mean, sweetie." She said.

Deme blushed, "My English isn't always so perfect. But I work on it to get better." I loved Deme's English, personally. And with his accent, every word seemed to take on a whole new flavor that it never had before with anybody else. I never got tired of hearing it. And it was unbelievably CUTE whenever he got all insecure about possibly messing up with a word or two. It just made him all the more enchanting to me. He's SO amazing! It's like being in the presence of a real life unicorn, sometimes. Hehehe!

"Well...we should probably get going soon." I said, selfishly wanting to get Deme all back to myself again without having to share him with my family.

Deme gave me a look, and suddenly asked, "Do you have that...I mean, those notes that you said you want to share with me?" I was confused. What was he talking about? "You remember? You said you had them for me. In...your room? You remember, yes?"

His stare got the appropriate hold on me, and I suddenly felt my temperature rise as a burst of excitement raced through me like a bolt of lightning. Message received! "OH!!! Yeah! In my room! We can...ummm, we can go get them right now, if you want to."

"Yes. Sounds good." He grinned, his face darkening with the cutest blush imaginable.

Then Sarah had to butt in with, "Can I have a hug, Deme? Before you have to leave?" Ugh! She's so shameless. My sister has no finesse, I swear.

"Of course you can." Deme smiled, and opened his arms for her. "Come."

My sister hurried over to him and hugged him tightly around the waist. So tight that I could actually hear the quiet 'oof' noise that he made when she basically tackled him and pressed her face against the flat of his chest. But...ever the good sport, he just wrapped his arms around her shoulders to give her a lovable squeeze, and even kissed the top of her head, making her squeal out of control as she tried to keep from freaking wetting herself right there on the spot.

"I love you soooo much!!!" She said, muffling her confession by burying her face even deeper into his embrace.

"You are so very special, Sarah. Thank you." He giggled, his eyes connecting to mine as I tried to send him a silent signal to let her go already so we could maybe go to my bedroom for a few minutes before leaving the house. "I hope you have the best of days today." He said, releasing his grip on her.

She held on for a few seconds longer, just inhaling the warmth and beauty of his natural scent, then looked up into his soft brown eyes and said, "I hope you do too." Then she sighed before finding the strength to let him go.

I cleared my throat rather loudly to get his attention. "So...you wanna...you know? Go get that...that thing. That thing in my room?"

Deme giggled bashfully. "Yes. Ok. I will see you soon Sarah. You as well, Mama number two."

Both of them melted from the radiance of his natural charm, but I don't think that I could wait for them to find another excuse to detain him for one more second. Like I said, he's MINE, dammit! Hands off! Eyes off too! Quit staring at him like that! It's not fair!

As soon as Deme was close enough to put my hands on him, I grabbed him by the wrist and practically dragged him towards my bedroom! Enough was enough! I couldn't stand being away from his boyish kiss for one more minute. I needed it now! Like...NOW!!!

The moment we entered my bedroom, Deme said, "Hehehe, I think your sister may have a crush on..." But I didn't let him finish. I shut the door and pressed Deme's back against, slamming my lips against his for an extended tongue kiss that truly made me feel lightheaded the moment we connected. Oh God! I needed this! I've been craving it sooooo much since the last time that we kissed. Hard as a rock, I pushed my hips up against his and reached up to feel the silky locks of his dark hair. The intensity, the very desperation, of our magical liplock was probably the most erotic part of the entire experience. We had been craving this moment, and it showed in our enthusiasm for one another. How can a pair of lips be so soft? So succulent? It was seriously blowing my mind.

I grabbed two handfuls of Deme's round bottom, and he whimpered softly from the contact. We were breathing so heavy...I was worried that somebody else in the house would hear us making out. But I refused to stop. I squeezed and kneaded his spongy, supple, cheeks...occasionally taking a moment to part them and then push them back together again. I think he really liked that. Had we been alone with more time and more privacy...I would have made love to him right then and there. Hell, I was about to jizz in my pants from the taste of his eager and youthful lips alone. Imagine if we could find a place to do this when we were both naked and walled off from the rest of the world. That would be PARADISE! Nirvana for the body and mind.

Sucking on Deme's tongue was such an intimate experience. He really knew how to kiss! Like, every movement of his tongue gave me chills. His lips were so subtle in their pressure against my own, but still delivered an impact that made me weak in both knees. We weren't even moving or participating in any kind of strenuous activity, and yet...I was breathing so hard that I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. Then again, it might have just been the dizzying euphoria of having him kiss me at all that was driving me so crazy. Who knows? I just...I wanted more! I wanted so much more from him in that moment, but I couldn't have it! It HURT not to have it!

There's no limit to how happy this boy makes me. Seriously...it's insane how much I love this angel of mine.

"Shane?" My mom called from the other room. "Clock's ticking, hon. Let's get moving."

UGH!!! If only parents and siblings didn't get in the fucking WAY of us having fun by ourselves all the time! Shit!

"Coming!" It was such a frustrating experience, having to pull myself away from Deme's divine kiss. It actually hurt my heart, and it was growing into this truly isolated recluse of a person, where I just wanted the rest of the entire world to just leave us alone. Friends, family...humanity in general. I only wanted Deme. Nobody else. They only become an unnecessary distraction from the dreamy existence that we were trying to build for ourselves. It's like...'get out of the fucking WAY!' You know?

Still...reality refuses to be ignored for more than a few minutes at a time, and I had to submit to it eventually. Might as well do it now, so I can hurry back to my sweetheart as quickly as possible.

"Sorry..." I said softly, blushing as I took a step away from him.

"I'm not." He smiled. "That was incredible."

I giggled a little bit, and reached up to touch the longish locks of his hair just one more time before surrendering to the idea that we actually had to go to school. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back, and gave me the sweetest little kiss on my lips before turning to open my bedroom door so we could leave. Sighhhh...back to reality, I guess. Dangit!

I know that I was still pretty hard when we left my room, and I think Deme was too...which only made me think about how he was uncut down there...which only made my erection jump, swell, and tighten, even more! But we managed to get by my mom and Sarah without them noticing. At least...I think we did. I don't know. This thing between my legs has been so awkward for me since I turned ten years old, it's hard to know whether I'll ever be able to get it under control or not at this point. But we got out of that house and got on our bikes to get things started for the day.

"Lead the way!" Deme grinned, and we began to ride...side by side...down the block. Let me tell you...the sight of Deme's legs with short ankle socks and sneakers...peddling a bike...it's the most erotic thing that you'll ever see. Well, besides seeing him naked, that is. But that's for ME! And me only! Hehehe, don't even think about it!

"So, do you know when you'll be able to start classes or anything?" I asked him.

"It should be as early as Friday. Maybe even sooner. I have to wait for them to call." He said, and I found myself looking at the sexy curve of his athletic butt as it pressed against his jeans. Damn...everything about him was so breathtaking. It was hard to look at him and not start taking more mental notes like, 'Next time...I want to kiss that sweet ass of his', or 'next time, I'm gonna suck on his balls a lot more'. Even his neck was sexy. Another mental note...'suck on his neck more'! Like...a LOT more!

"Awww. You're not going to work at the restaurant anymore?"

"Yes. I will still work. A few days a week, I will go to Papa Milo's after school, but not for many hours. He says he wants me to concentrate on my school work." Deme smiled. "But he also wants me to keep up with work too. I suppose I will have to concentrate on both."

"Hehehe, good luck with all that. I can't imagine that it'll be easy to concentrate on both."

"I would much rather concentrate on you." He said, and he winked at me. Omigod, he caused my bike to wiggle a bit and I had to catch myself to keep from falling over. "You're ok?"

"I'm...fine. SUPER flattered, hehehe...but fine." I said.

He was looking over at me, and he said, "You only have a few freckles, but they don't show unless you blush. They stay hidden otherwise. It's very attractive. It makes me feel warm inside whenever they come out to show." He said.

"Really? Hehehe...I didn't know. I mean, I knew I had a few freckles, but...I figured that people could see them all the time. Not just when I blush."

"They are stronger when you blush. Perhaps other people aren't looking close enough." He said softly. "But I'm always looking close. Looking close at my beautiful Shane."

"You know, you're going to have to stop calling me that when you start your classes at school. Hehehe!"

"No. Only in private. I don't want anybody else to pay attention to you. I'll get very jealous." He said, and the front wheel of my bike wobbled again as I tried to keep my composure. Omigod...how more unfathomably beautiful could this boy possibly get before I go into cardiac arrest?

We got to the front lawn of my high school, and they had a ton of bike racks by the sidewalk for everybody to lock their bikes too for the day. Deme seemed to be a bit overwhelmed at first. I mean, he had seen the school before, but not on an actual school day. Sooooo many kids were there, and he seemed a bit hesitant when I stopped my bike and showed him where he could possibly find a place to lock his up.

"There are so few open spaces..." He said.

"Nah. It's fine. There's plenty of room. There's a couple right over there. You and I can lock ours up together if you want. I know that you're only turning in your paperwork and stuff, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure that your bike will be safe here."

"So many students..." He said quietly...almost to himself. "Back home, our schools are much smaller. Not so many. This almost seems like too many at once."

"Yeah. Our high schools are pretty big here. Lots of people. But don't sweat it. Most of them will just become faceless drones that you pass in the hallway after the first week or two. You'll get used to it." I said. I mean, I wished that I was more popular or something...so that I could just ride up on the front lawn of the high school and have people high fiving me and shouting out, 'What's up, Shane! My man! He's the coolest boy ever!' It would make for a really awesome first impression for Deme to see, first hand. But...high school isn't always what it's cracked up to be. So I guess this will have to do for now.

Deme locked up his bike and we both began walking towards the front door. Let me tell you that I wasn't imagining it when I heard a couple of random conversations just STOP when Deme walked by! Stares and wide eyes and stuttered speech. They focused in on him right away, unable to figure out what to do with themselves as he walked by. I mean, I knew that Deme was stunningly beautiful to me...I mean, that goes without saying. But the other teens around us were looking at him as though he had taken their very awareness of what beauty was to a whole new plane of existence. Some of the girls giggled to themselves between whispers. Some of the guys did the same, believe it or not. And as we walked into the building, I think one of my old female History teachers actually took a peek at his ass! What the...???

I mean, don't get me wrong...there was a part of me that was soooo proud to be walking around with the coolest, most lovable, most beautiful heartbreakers that has ever stepped foot in these hallways! I really was! Deme was magic personified! And he made me feel like a total boss just by talking to me and walking beside me.

But...with every bright light comes a dark shadow.

Deme was a bit nervous, but I know that he didn't have any reason to be. The other teenagers in my high school were already sizing him up like a piece of meat. Seriously. You'd be surprised how much your average suburban high school is like a high security prison when it comes to a delectable pretty boy like Deme. Already, I could feel the walls closing in on the both of us, and those same people that I had gotten used to being faceless drones in the past...were all looking like rivals and potential competitors for Deme's heart now. Is that a weird, insecure, teenage boy thing, or what? I shouldn't feel like that. Deme's my boyfriend. We're in love, right? None of this other stuff should even matter. It's all bullshit. I've got the PERFECT dreamboy! I think he's the most amazing boy that has ever lived! And he feels the same way about me! I mean, he calls me, 'his beautiful Shane' for crying out loud! How many gay teens can say that they have a boyfriend this immaculate and sensual and CUTE???

But I can't help myself when I look around the hallway. It's stupid. Trust me, I know. But I keep looking at all of the boys around me, and my deepest insecurities just slithered their way up to the surface...making me feel like I had something to prove. Making me feel like I was unworthy of the love I already had.

It was like...'That boy is WAY cuter than me! And so is that one! And, oh God...I had the biggest crush on him in the sixth grade! And that guy has the best abs and the biggest dick in our gym class!' And it just made me want to build this invisible shield around Deme so that I could keep him to myself for just a little while longer. Is that selfish of me? It feels selfish, but I can't really say that I care. I don't like having other people stare at him the way that I do. It doesn't take anything away from the gorgeous nature that I see within him every single day that we spend time together...but it almost feels unfair that they get to absorb it and horde it for themselves to think about later. It feels unfair for them to suck it all in when they did nothing to earn or deserve the right to look upon him and just...sigh and squirm and wiggle over how cute he is. They didn't sacrifice anything to appreciate him the way that I do. And as much as I wanted to believe that my heart was more than enough to keep him satisfied...

...Having him be here among the rest of these fucking vultures and emotional leeches just worried me a little bit. It really did.

Is this something that I'm going to have to get used to in the near future? Because, it's not like other boys and girls aren't going to notice how unbelievably HOT he is! At first glance, he's going to be breaking hearts left and right. And that sucks.

Because...I don't think I want to share. I just...I need to get my emotions under control. I don't want to go down this rabbit hole.

Not if I can help it...

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