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I've been working hard on it, and I wish that I could have this new ebook exclusive ready in time for Halloween, but I need it to be quality stuff...and that takes time. So, next year for sure! But "Darkness Waits" IS getting a Volume Two, and it is well underway! So if you enjoyed the first one, you can expect more in the ear future!
"Darkness Waits: Volume One" was a HUGE success, thanks to you guys who grabbed a copy! And it is ranked in the top 400 gay themed horror books on Amazon! Considering how many millions of ebooks there are on Amazon, I think that's pretty damned impressive, considering it was my first outing! Hehehe! So let's see if I can top it with Volume Two!
Thanks, you guys! Love you lots! And I'll keep churing out quality material for as long as you keep supporting me! Promise! ((Hugz))
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