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Date Posted: 12:51:29 12/19/21 Sun
Author: Comicality
Subject: Story Progression....

I always keep a running tab of how many new chapters I put out for the many stories that I'm always working on, every single day, and stay dedicated to each and every single one of them. You can be alerted to all of my new chapters to your favorite chapters on my mailing list, or coming right here to the Cafe to find out whether or not I've 'abandoned' a story that I haven't updated in a while. Even a long while.

Can you just relax? Is that too much to ask? It's freaking CHRISTMAS!

I've shown you guys nothing but loyalty and total dedication for well over 20 years now...and I'm still kicking. I always deliver! Always! And if that's not good enough for some people...then I'll just have to let that be their problem. Not mine. I've dedicate soooo much of my life to making the world just a little bit better with what little talent that I have, and I'm not giving up. So when you see someone complain...ask what they've contributed to the struggle. Instead of just consistently reaping the benefits of MY hard work all the time! Where is YOUR offering to entertain and help someone else other than yourself? Let me know...because I don't see it anywhere.


EXACTLY! Alright then. If I'm not good enough, then throw your hat in the ring and do it better! Otherwise...shut up. Here is what I've been writing and posting lately for the past few months, and how long you've had to WAIT (poor you!) between stories... (Just in case you think it's been YEARS since Comicality posted anything!!!)

And you guys can ALWAYS keep a running tab on all of my my hard work on the Library if you ever miss anything or think that I'm depriving you of new material. Cool? Love you! Stay beautiful!


So appreciate it, or don't. Just don't try to ruin my holidays with your petty emails and complaints, because I really couldn't care less. I write the stories...you guys show appreciation with comments and feedback. I'm doing *MY* job! Are you doing yours? No? Then keep your moth shut. I stopped caring years ago.

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