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My apologies, Library fans! This was actually posted on the site over a week ago, and while I made all of the appropriate announcements on all of the other boards, my emails, the mailing list, the Cafe, Twitter, and everywhere else...I actually forgot to post the actual chapter here. Hehehe, because...exhaustion! :P
Anyway, here is the newest chapter of "Gone From Daylight"! I hope you guys like it! And please let me know what you think down below in the replies.
And if this is the only place that you come to read this series, but want to go back to the very beginning? Just click the link for my 'Stories' page, scroll down to "Gone From Daylight", and it'll take you where you need to go. K? Have fun!
This is still the number ONE story on the entire Shack Out Back website! So don't miss out! XD