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Subject: 1x02: The Very Devil

by Veggieburger
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Date Posted: 16:19:30 03/15/04 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache3-glfd.server.ntli.net/

THE VERY DEVIL by Veggieburger

EXT: An old stone house surrounded by a heavily wooded forest.

CAPTION: “Leeds Point, New Jersey - The Year 1735”

The camera pans up the heavily wooded pine forest to a muddy clearing where a ramshackle stone house sits. A light rain is falling, turning the surrounding bare ground to muck. Old rusty iron tools are propped up near the door. A scrawny dead chicken floats in a puddle. The scene is one of destitution.

MIDSHOT: At the door of the hovel, a weary looking man stands staring out at the rain. A women’s piercing scream is heard from within, then agonized moans. A child runs out into the rain but the man catches it up in his arms and carries it inside.

INT: Inside the hovel are several children of various ages. They are dirty, thin and sickly. The camera follows into a second room, where a women lays giving birth as a midwife attends her. The pregnant woman cries and groans as she struggles to deliver the child.

C’mon, now, Maggie Leeds, you’ve birthed twelve other hearty babies. It’s only one more.

WOMAN (crying)
Only one more! May God kill me in my misery!

The woman’s husband comes to the bedroom doorway and stands. He hears his wife’s cries.

Maggie, now, don’t you be cursing God. God blesses a man by giving him progeny, so says the good pastor.

And does the good pastor feed and school my children? I told you, husband, I wanted no more! This child will be my death!

She screams again and begins to deliver. The midwife pulls the infant from the womb.

The Lord has seen fit to give you another child, Maggie Leeds.

WOMAN (screams in anger)
Then I hope it’s the very devil! And the devil take you all!


EXT: A two lane blacktop road passing by the same piney woods.
Spike and Faith are riding a motorcycle on the road. A light rain is falling. The road is dark, lit only by their headlight.

SPIKE (yelling over the rain and bike noise)
Bloody hell, let’s get off the road! I told you we should’ve taken the car!

That transmission was shot and the brakes were going. Sorry, I didn’t know it was gonna rain.

Suddenly a flash of white leaps across their field of vision. It’s a beautiful large white stag, and it leaps across the road and bounds into the woods. Spike swerves the bike to avoid it, tumbling himself and Faith into a mucky wet ditch..

As the two of them pick themselves up, an SUV with its lights off passes them from behind at a high speed, narrowly missing them.

Oh, bloody great.

Did you see that deer?

What I saw was Bonehead nearly killing us. Bloody idiot.

Yeah, well, we’re alive.

Yeah, lucky us. Instead we’re wet and dirty (picks up the bike, tries to start it - it doesn’t). -- and stranded in wherever this is.

Spike spots a road sign and goes up to it.

Camera POV on the sign - a typical “state park” information sign. Spike reads the sign aloud:

“Pinelands National Refuge, Bass River State Forest”. (he steps in some muck) Otherwise known as Planet Skank.

Look, we might as well find shelter. If this is a State Park, there might be a ranger station nearby.

It starts to rain harder.

Camera POV on the front seat as a young woman in her mid-twenties sits crying as a grim-faced man in his later twenties drives. We see the young woman’s hands are bound to her seatbelt, and she displays a huge pregnant bulge. A gun sits on the seat next to the man.

Please don’t do this. If you’re so angry, leave me. I won’t fight you, I promise.

HUSBAND (“Tony”)
I told you, I don’t want any kids. We were gonna have a good life and you ruined it. (shouts) You ruined it!!

The SUV drives off the main road and starts up a dirt road into the piney woods. Tony parks the SUV, gets his gun, takes a nasty looking hunting knife from under the seat and cuts his wife’s bonds.

Get out of the car.

Are you just going to leave me here??

No, baby, I’m gonna kill you.

Kill me! I’m carrying your child!

TONY (points the gun at her, indicates a planked walking path ahead)
Walk. And don’t go off the path, this is a cranberry bog.

Tony walks his wife up the walkway a while then forces her off the path onto a mucky patch of ground hidden by trees.

His sobbing wife realizes how desperate the situation is and rushes him. She struggles awkwardly with him, her pregnant belly making her efforts futile. He knocks her to the ground.

You blew it, baby. We were gonna travel, own a boat, -- you blew it. (he points his gun)

Suddenly from the surrounding brush, a creature attacks Tony, leaping onto his back. The creature is about four feet tall and humanoid. Because of the darkness, it’s hard to make out what this creature is or what it looks like. Tony screams and spins around, trying to throw the creature off as it bites and claws at him.

Jen screams and makes a break for it, but panics and runs clumsily into the woods rather than back to the road. She stumbles forward as well as her huge belly allows, until she slips and skids into a sloppy boggy sinkhole full of scummy water. She sputters and flails, then catches a tree root and hauls herself out. She gets to her feet, soaked and terrified, and keeps running - toward an old stone house in the distance.

CUT TO: Spike and Faith walking along the two lane blacktop, Spike pushing the bike alongside them.

Faith spots the heavy SUV tire tracks going off the road.

Bonehead pulled off the road.

And that’s worth what in China?

Well, Bonehead might have a cell phone, a towel or a map, you dickweed.
Maybe he’ll give us a ride into town.

Yeah, or he might have a chainsaw and a cooler.

God, you’re so paranoid.

Maybe I just don’t want to talk to any stranger who’s visiting The Hills Have Eyes National Park.

They follow the tracks up the dirt road where they find the SUV parked. Muddy shoe prints show that the passengers walked away from the vehicle.

FAITH (points to the shoe prints)
They went into the woods.

See? I told you. They’re up to no good. Probably gonna club some baby harp seals.

Baby harp seals don’t live in New Jersey, you idiot. (follows the shoe prints to the planked walkway. Spike reluctantly follows.)

Yeah, well…there could be other critters. Bears. I hate bears.

It’s a piney woods. Could be bears, foxes, deer. My dad used to go huntin’ deer in woods just like this where he was stationed. We ate venison for a whole winter, til they sent Dad somewhere else.

I shoulda figured you for a military brat.

Five by five. (she stops) Or not. (she kneels and examines what look like animal prints in the mud.)

SPIKE (nervously)

Yeah. Of the genus Spikus Eatablus. They’re attracted to the scent of peroxide.

Bite me.

Tell that to the bear. But this isn’t a bear. Looks like hooves.

As she speaks, the white stag that jumped in front of their bike appears in the brush ahead. It stops and gazes at them.

It’s that big deer.

It’s beautiful. Wonder how it survives, it must be pretty visible to predators.


Big cats maybe.

SPIKE (freaked)
Wonderful!! Look, you just go on having your Jeff Corwin Experience. I’m going back to the bike. (starts to cross the woods away from the walkway).

I’d stay on the walkway.


Well, if you want to be ass-deep in Ocean Spray, go for it. You won’t sink in a cranberry bog, but you could get stuck real good.

SPIKE (sounding afraid)
Oh, jeez! Bad enough there’s bears!

Dude, are you afraid? C’mon, you’re Mr. Ex-Vampire! Seen every demon in the book!

City demons, yeah. (she looks at him funny). Okay, look. I don’t like the woods. My dad used to read me fairy tales when I was a wee imp. Nothing good ever happens in a woods. Goblin, trolls, evil gingerbread houses --

I’ve never heard you talk about your dad before.

Yeah, well, that’s cause Mr. Victorian Action Hero left me and me mum when I was five. Off to some other adventure. Borneo or somewhere, dunno.

Yeah, my dad was never there either. And mom drank. I don’t think she noticed when I left home.

Can we stop the touchy feely moment and get out of here? I’m getting the creeps.

A shrill “critter” sound cuts through the trees.

SPIKE (nervous)
See? Creepy!

Yeah, well, I’m gonna see if I can follow these shoe prints. (indicates a direction into the woods).

A woman’s scream cuts through the air.

SPIKE (frightened)
See? See? It’s the Texas New Jersey Bloody Chainsaw Massacre!

Faith is up on her feet and running toward the sound..

CLOSE: On Spike’s scared, pissed face.

Great! Leave me here then! I’ll just wait by the car!

Faith entering the clearing where the stone house sits. A black man, dressed oddly, stands in the doorway, holding a metal bucket. He startles when he sees her.

Beggin’ your pardon, ma’am. Is that young miss your friend? Cut up mighty awful, running through the woods like that. And with child!

What young miss? Where?

The black man indicates the second room. Faith enters the room and the black man remains in the doorway. The room is small and filthy. Jen lays passed out on a small rope-frame bed with a dank and moldy straw mattress . She’s scratched up and wet from running through the woods, but otherwise unhurt.

Faith takes off her backpack and her flannel shirt, leaving her in a black T-shirt. She lifts the woman’s head and places her shirt under the woman’s head. She rummages in her backpack and covers Jen with a sweater.

FAITH (to herself)
Great. My sweater’s gonna smell really funky.

Hope she don’t deliver early (pause) - not here in the woods.

You know how to deliver a baby?

Yes, ma’am. Wanted to be a doctor, but as you can see, I’m a Negro. Still, I read some medicine books and I learned herbals from the Lenni Lenape Indians round here.

Stop ma’aming me, and what does Negro have to do with anything? Who even says Negro anymore? (pauses) Look, just call me Faith. You got a name?

James Still, ma…Faith. Folks round here call me the Black Doctor. Some even say I’m a legend. But I just try to help them that wanders into the barrens here. Like this young miss.

Faith gently shakes the woman on the bed and wakes her. As Jen wakes, the black man leaves the doorway and goes into the main room.

FAITH (to Jen)
What’s your name? You own that SUV?

I’m Jen. Please help me. My husband tried to shoot me. He brought me here to kill me! (she cries). He doesn’t want the baby.

So he’s gonna kill you over it? (under her breath) Bastard. (turns toward the door) Hey! You got a blanket or… ? Dammit! Where’s he go? (to Jen) Stay here.

Faith goes to the front doorway where James stands, looking out at the rain.

This is bad. This is gonna bring the devil.

Bring the what?

The Jersey Devil. Old Mowass Leeds, Maggie they called her, borned that devil right here in the Shrouds House. Had twelve starving children and told her goodman that one more would kill her. She cursed him when her thirteenth child came out of her womb. She died a-bornin’ but that infant carried out her curse. Turned into a creature from hell and killed her goodman and all her chillun. I’ve seen it.

Yeah, sure. Local legend. Look, you can save the Scare the Tourists crap.

I’ve seen the Jersey Devil many times. Got hooves like Satan and bat wings and a forked tail. Kills with claws and teeth, and drinks so much blood it turns the waters of the Mullica River red.

Yeah, great story. I been around a few woods myself, that’s cranberries and cedar roots stainin’ the water. Look, that lady needs help, I thought you said you were a doctor.

Spike comes up the path toward the door. James startles a bit when he sees him.

It’s just my friend. (to Spike) So, didn’t wanna wait by the car?

Thought I’d see if you were being stewed in an evil gingerbread house. (to James) You must be Hanzel.

James, sir. Good day to you, master.

It’s Spike.

(Spike gives Faith a quizzical look - “master??”)

Found one of the SUV passengers. (nods toward the bedroom).

Spike follows Faith into the bedroom, sees Jen. James remains outside.

SPIKE (to Jen)
And you must be Gretel.


Husband brought her to the woods to kill her.

Spike picks up a heavy iron bar (like a crowbar) from near the fireplace.

Yeah, well, bring him on.

JEN (quietly)
He’s got a gun.

Spike looks at his crowbar. Gun vs. crowbar - no contest.

Great. (to Faith) Think he’s wandering around the wood?

Possible. Let’s backtrack to the SUV, see if we can start it. Maybe we can get Jen to a hospital.

You want me to go back out into that swamp? In the dark? Might be crocodiles out there!

There aren’t any crocodiles in New Jersey. Geez, listen to Mr. Bad Ass - think a raccoon’s gonna get the jump on you?

Well - there’s cranberries!

Fine. Stay here. If I spot Jen’s old man, I’m gonna give him an Ocean Spray enema.

Faith yanks Spike’s crowbar away from him. Walks out into the rain where James stands, again looking out into the woods.

Ma’am, uh, Faith. You may not want to go into the woods at night.

I can handle the raccoons, thanks.

Not raccoons, ma’am. New Jersey pinelands is haunted bad. Jersey Devil ain’t the only thing I seen. There’s Captain Shroud and his headless wife. And the White Stag of Shamong.

Spike joins them at the front door.

Spare me, Jack. Nothing scares me. (looks at Spike, a little mean) Not even bears.

Faith walks off into the woods.

SPIKE (to James, nervously killing time)
So. You live here?

Faith walking thrugh the woods, retracing her steps toward the SUV.

CUT BACK TO: INT: Stone house, main room.

Spike’s still trying to make conversation, looks around. James continues to stand near the door.

Well. Cozy. (walks around, examines the oddments lying about.) You like it rustic, then?

Shrouds House been here a long time. Long time.

Shroud. Cheerful name. I take it you ain’t Mr. Shroud.

No sir, I’m James Still. Folks call me the Black Doctor, though I ain’t no schooled doctor. Ain’t no Mr. Shroud since 1650. Captain Shroud was a pirate - took his wife’s head off with a sword and buried her head in a chest with his treasure, right under this house. She was a witch, you know, and she still casts her magic circles in the woods. Then Mowass Leeds borned her devil child here.

Nice neighborhood. (pause) Devil. You mean a demon, right?

No demon. The very devil. Abraham Leeds raised it up in the attic of the animal shelter, til it done kilt his whole family.

Well. I’m lovin’ this cheerful talk, but I think I’m gonna take a little walkie, doc. You watch over the pregnant lady there.

Spikes goes outside. It’s stopped raining, but is still a miserable night. There’s a small wooden building set apart from the house, about 30 feet away. What might have once been a chicken coop lies in rotting ruins next to it. No animals can be seen.

Spike walks about ten paces forward and steps on something mushy on the wet ground - it’s the corpse of a dead squirrel.

Eeeww! Eeew! Yuck!! Yech!! (dances around trying to scrape “it” off his shoe.)

Faith walking through the woods, retracing her steps. The night is filled with sounds - branches dripping raindrops, little animal squeaks and owl hoots. And dragging footsteps. She stops moving, drops to the ground near a tree, listens.

The sound stops, but Faith notices something else on the ground. A small straw figure, like a corn husk doll, but only about 3 inches long. Her eyes follow past the tree and see a “witch circle” on the ground, made with string with a white pentacle formed in a white chalky substance in the middle. Inside the circle are a collection of old household objects - a thread spool, a spoon, a mortar and pestle. Hex-like signs are also chalked onto the trees near the circle, creating a kind of “Blair Witch” creepiness. The circle looks pretty fresh - recently made. Faith sticks the straw figure absent-mindedly into her shirt pocket as she looks, and the top of the figure remains visible in her pocket.

FAITH (muttering to herself)
Wish Willow were here - I don’t understand this witchy stuff.

Faith stands up and turns - and sees a pirate! Well, most of one. Its rotted pirate clothes cling wetly to its skeletal body, and it holds a sword. In its bony skull, one human eye looks brightly out from its forehead.

Ye come after me treasure, ‘ave ye? Ya can’t fool me, missy.

He turns around and his other “eye” is embedded in the back of his skull.

I got eyes in the back of me ‘ead!

The pirate turns and comes at Faith with his sword.

Me wife was a curious woman too!

Yeah, I’m thinkin’ you just didn’t like her hobby. Maybe you need your ass kicked and I’m just the yo-ho-HO to give it to you!

She counters his sword with the crowbar. They exchange blows and Faith finds it hard to keep her footing on the wet muddy ground. Faith backs up into the magic circle and the pirate suddenly stops his attack, not following her into the circle.

Got it. It’s a protection spell. This was her little get away from you. Some guys just don’t know how to give their other half a little space.

Faith rushes the pirate and uses the crowbar to smash the live eye in his skull with the crowbar, caving in the forehead at the same time. The pirate screams and staggers backward, then turns his back to face Faith, glaring at her with the other eye.

You may have eyes in the back of your head, but unless you’re double-jointed (she breaks his sword arm at the elbow with the crowbar), you’re history.

The pirate screams and rushes Faith. She breaks the bones at his neck with a sharp crack, sending his head flying. Another quick blow breaks one leg at the knee. Faith reaches down to grabs the pirate’s dropped sword, the skeletal hand still clutching the hilt. As she does, the dismembered skeletal hand releases the hilt and grabs her throat.

The rest of the skeletal being is crawling toward her, pulling with its one remaining hand and pushing with its unbroken leg. Faith pounds the bony remains furiously with the crowbar, while she struggles with her other hand to pull the choking fingers loose from her throat. Finally, gasping for air, she pulls the hand off and hurls it toward the same watery sinkhole that Jen tumbled into earlier. The skeletal hands sinks below the floating scum. Faith uses the sword to scoop up the pirate’s clothing (and bones), and hurl them into the water. She throws the sword into the magic circle.

FAITH (gasping)
Well! At least it wasn’t a bear!

CUT TO: INT - The old wooden “critter shelter”
Spike enters the small building - it appears to be a “butchering” room - maybe for killing the few pigs and chickens that might have been housed there. Spike immediately reacts to an overpowering stench in the air.

Whew! Stinks in here!

Spike looks around - the small room is littered with bits of fur and feathers and bones - the remains of recently dead “small critters” . Spike looks dismayed.

SPIKE (nervously)
See? It’s a bear den! (shakes it off) Get a grip on yourself, William! This woods is preyin’ on your mind! (voice breaks) Makin’ ya feel things.

Spike looks up and sees an overhanging loft - the “attic”. A permanent wooden ladder leads up to it. Spike bypasses the ladder and takes a leap, using his super strength to jump up to the loft and scramble onto it.

The scene is disturbing. Iron manacles with long chains are attached to one wall. A old rotting quilt and torn feather pillows and a torn straw mattress lie amid more bones and bits of critter. An old fashioned wax doll, colonial era, sits amid the mess, its face bearing tooth marks as if a baby critter had lovingly teethed on it. Spike picks up the doll and looks it over. Spike gets closer to the bedding and sees the torn and aged shreds of a baby dress and cap.

SPIKE (to himself)
Rosemary’s baby.

He leans down and touches the baby dress. Suddenly his shoulders sag and his head drops as if overcome by emotion. Another man’s voice comes from his lips.

It’s so sad, the wee thing. It’s no good to kill it, Molly, it’s your own brother and it’s sufferin’.

Spike shakes off the momentary possession and stands, still holding the wax doll. He looks up and sees the ghost of a young girl, about 10, looking at him. She’s filthy, barefoot, and disheveled. Her face and skin bear the marks of a hideous skin disease. Her eyes weep pus. (Have I disgusted you enough yet?)

Don’t let Joshua see you with his dolly. He’ll bite and scratch you. (she scratches a blackened weeping sore on her arm.) Makes you itch.

SPIKE (spooked)
Guess I’ll put Joshua’s dolly back where I found it then. (Drops the doll, and the ghost girl fades)

Spike looks over the scene, then - inexplicably - his eyes tear up and he starts to cry.


Faith trudging forward to the SUV. The SUV’s door is unlocked and the keys are still in the ignition. She pockets the keys and rummages through the glove box. Finds the registration, a visitor’s guide, a flashlight, the hunting knife and a map. She pockets the flashlight, sticks the knife in her belt, looks over the map, and pauses to read something in the visitor’s guide. She heads back to the stone house.

INT: The stone house.
Spike enters the main room. The “Black Doctor” is nowhere in sight. Spike goes into the second room. Jen wakes, sits up groggily.

Where’d the doc go?

What doc?

The black guy.

I don’t know who you mean.

FAITH (entering the room)
Well, speak of the devil --

Did you see my husband?

Nope. But the car’s okay. You think you can walk back to the SUV? Spike and I will drive you to Columbus.

What about the doc?

James Still? (holds up the visitor’s guide) Local Legend. Just like the White Stag of Shamong, the Pinelands Witch, and Captain Shroud.

They were ghosts?

Not ghosts. Legends. Kept alive in the (opens the visitor’s guide and reads) “collective unconscious of the region. Trapped in time, kept alive by our minds because we want to believe in them.”

I don’t believe in anything but getting out of here. (offers Jen his arm). C’mon, mommy.

The three of them start out toward the door, Spike supporting Jen.

TONY (voice)
Hold it right there.

Camera swings to the door, shows Tony blocking the way, holding a gun. His face is clawed and bitten, and blood pours down his face from two puncture holes in his forehead and cheek. The skin around these wounds is blackened and rotting, like the young girl that Spike saw.

What’s eating you - as it were?

I know who you are. Let your wife go.

TONY (to Jen, hysterical)
You blew it! You ruined everything! (raises his gun)

Spike doesn’t give him a chance to try. He rushes him as Faith pulls Jen back into the bedroom. Spike knocks Tony to the muddy ground outside and as they tussle, the gun goes off.

CLOSE: On Spike’s face, pain and shock.
CLOSE: On the bleeding gunshot wound on his side.

Oh. Right. Human now. Can bleed to death. (punches Tony, who drops the gun)

As Spike and Tony fight, Faith rushes out and hits Tony in the head with the crowbar. Tony drops, unconscious for the moment.

FAITH (to Spike)
You okay?

SPIKE (looking at his wound, horrified)
Bloody hell!.

FAITH (raises his shirt, checks the wound)
You’re just grazed. Looks bad, feels bad, ain’t bad.

Jen comes out, sees the scene. Faith grabs her wrist.

C’mon, we’re gonna run for it.

They start running through the mucky woods, slowed down by Jen’s pregnancy. They soon hear Tony’s footsteps behind them.

He’s after us.

Don’t worry, we’re almost - lost. (realizing they’re off the path)

Faith looks around, spots the witch circle.

Quick, in there!

Yeah, that really looks like an SUV!

No, trust me.

The three of them hunker down inside the witch circle as Tony breaks through the woods. Tony spots them and comes toward them grinning, waving his gun.

Sorry, Jen. Tragic, losing you and the baby. Don’t worry, I’ll put on a good show
for your folks. As for you two, I’m afraid you were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Spike and Faith position themselves in front of Jen.

Dude, don’t you want your own child?

World’s already full of unwanted babies, lady. It won’t miss this one.

Without warning and as quick as lightning, Tony is again attacked by the same creature which attacked him before. It leaps out of the brush and sinks its fangs deep into Tony’s skull, sending Tony into a whirling frenzied dance, trying to fend the creature off.

FAITH (quietly)
Speak of the devil…

Tony staggers backwards toward the edge of the deep sinkhole. He throws the creature off, slamming it to the ground. He recovers his gun and pumps the rest of his bullets into it. The creature pathetically runs in a small circle, wounded and crying piteously. Tony stands, grinning. Faith is enraged and steps out of the circle, brandishing the hunting knife. Spike grabs her arm, yanking her back into the circle.

Don’t, Faith.

The wounded creature gives a cry and then leaps at Tony’s face again. Tony staggers backwards until he stands at the edge of the sinkhole. Suddenly, from the mucky water, the skeletal hand of Captain Shroud reaches up and grabs Tony’s ankle. With a sharp jerk, it yanks Tony off balance. Tony lands face down and the creature jumps off him. The wounded creature backs up into the brush, whimpering. Tony find himself being dragged into the sinkhole. Tony is waist deep in the water when the fully formed Captain Shroud rises up and puts both bony hands to Tony’s throat. Tony screams and Captain Shroud drags Tony under the water to his certain death.

Faith presses Jen’s face against her to hide the scene of horror from her. Spike stands, wobbly but okay.

SPIKE (softly)
Where’s the wee little thing, then?

The creature cautiously crawls forward out of the brush and the camera gives us a good look at the famous Jersey Devil. Faith releases Jen’s face and the two women stare at the creature.

JEN (looking at it in disgust and horror)
What is it!

SPIKE (softly)
A child.

Faith takes the small straw doll out of her pocket and offers it to the creature.

Want a dolly?

The creature takes the figure, stops its crying, smiles at Faith.

Is it going to bleed to death?

It can’t. It’s a legend. Legends never die.

Well, I bloody well can! Let’s go.


QUICK CUT: A shot of Faith driving the SUV. Jen sitting next to her, Spike in the back with his shirt off, wadded over his wound. The camera shows the motorcycle has been loaded into the back of the SUV. They are exhausted and filthy, but alive and headed to safety.


INT: The “attic” of the butchering barn. The wounded and whimpering Jersey Devil crawls into its pile of rags. It picks up the wax doll with a clawed hand, clutches the doll to itself. It lies down on the filthy bedding, cuddles its doll with one hand. With the other hand, the Jersey Devil puts its “thumb” in its mouth and nestles down to sleep.


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