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Date Posted: 08:23:29 01/17/06 Tue
Author: Bobbety bit-n
Subject: Re: Fixed?
In reply to: Gordon 's message, "Re: Fixed?" on 02:00:55 01/17/06 Tue

>>You should have plenty of power to get over the hills,
>>and plenty of weight to get you quickly down the other
>>side. Tubulars will be OK if well stuck on and make
>>sure you fill them with plenty of hot air just before
>>you start - the effect of hot air rising will further
>>aid your climbing.
>I haven't heard of this, at the moment I use a mini
>pump that I strap to the front tube with a velcro
>I've heard of filling tyres with helium (like the
>balloons) but dismissed this because of the dangers, I
>think high rim temperatures might cause some explosion
>At the moment my tubulars are stuck on with some kind
>of tape, I have a spare roll, is this relevant ?

Yes, very relavant. It means that next time you visit a cycle shop or use the internet to buy cycle related spare parts, you probably wont need to buy anymore. Althougth your experience (or analysis) may suggest that you need two spare rolls of this tape; if this is the case, then I would recommend that you buy some more. So, to summarise (that is, to state succinctly the salient facts) you should either not imminently buy more tape if you have sufficient, or conversely, purchase more if you feel you may need it soon. If you have any rugby playing friends, that need similar advice, I'm happy to assist; and if demand is high, I can produce an illustrated document, explaining how to buy the tape from a cycle shop.

I hope this has helped resolve your gritty conundrum.

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  • Re: Fixed? -- inertia, 05:18:28 02/16/06 Thu
  • Re: Fixed? -- James Spangler, 07:35:31 02/21/06 Tue
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