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Date Posted: 02:22:38 01/24/06 Tue
Author: Any Cole
Subject: Re: Trolling
In reply to: Gordon 's message, "Re: Trolling" on 11:14:37 01/20/06 Fri

>I have read that fixed gear bikes climb better than
>geared - going down I intend to use my brake, there is
>no problem with descending steep hills on a fixed so
>long as you take it steadily.

It is true that you can climb better in fixed, but only if you have the strength to keep the gear turning. The problem with this ride is that to have a gear that will allow you to get up a 1:6 let alone a 1:3 will be so small that your legs will have to spin like windmills on the descents and flats. Strong wind can also leave you in the wrong gear.

Fixed is also hard work. You don't get to rest at all as your legs are turning constantly (this is one of the reasons why they are so good for training). My experiece is that it is about 25% harder. So you are turning a hard ride into an even harder one.

There are also safety concerns. It takes a good few rides to get used to fixed. You can easily forget to keep peddling. This can have unfortunate consequences. If you do intend riding on fixed make sure that you do plenty of riding in hilly country before hand.

This will be my first Fred Whitton, though I do know most of the route and have ridden/attempted almost all of the passes. I don't think that you should be massively concerned about all of the big climbs you can always walk these. There are plenty of small hills and flat bits that have to be ridden as well.

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