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Date Posted: 08:23:24 01/31/06 Tue
Author: mark richardson
Subject: Re: Avoiding Road Rage
In reply to: Andy Cole 's message, "Re: Avoiding Road Rage" on 08:18:42 01/31/06 Tue

>>Took part in the FW last year - fantastic day out.
>>The only down side to the day was the other cars on
>>the route, causing holdups, frustration and at least
>>one incidence of dangerous driving.
>>1. No riders' support cars on Honister, Newlands, Hard
>>Knott and Wrynose
>>2. Signs on these same passes indicating "Charity
>>Cycling Event - Expect Delays"
>The best way to avoid road rage is not to wind them
>up. We may have a perfect right to be on the road, but
>after they have been, their opinion at least, been
>held up by the umpteenth group of riders their fuses
>will be getting short. If we are courteous to them and
>let them past when it is safe then they will not be so
>hot under the collar and are less likely to lose it
>with the next group they come across.
agreed with the last post, signs will just annoy the majority of motorists before they even encounter a cyclist, where as courtesy can win us all a lot of friends, and ensure the future of events such as the fred whitton.

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