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Date Posted: 04:39:46 05/04/06 Thu
Author: I like pies
Subject: Re: nerves ?
In reply to: Allan 's message, "Re: nerves ?" on 14:21:23 05/02/06 Tue


Just a bit! Its the second century I have done, the last being from manchester to birmingham.

I checked out wrynose,hardknotts,and kirstone yesterday in beautiful sunshine - so it aint gonna be like that on sunday! The forecast for the ride is for 14C with light rain (Met Office website).

I'm a bit worried about the descents off the major passes, kirkstone one is a 50mph plus descent that goes on for ages, it has some 20% sections so watch out. I descented by myself and with a few motorbikes, all I can say for Sunday is just keep your distance from the rider in front, look well ahead and relax.

Off wrynose, my god that is steep and the surface is a bit ripply in parts, so take it slow - gonna be so tired after a 100 odd miles of riding, best not to cock it up so close to the end.

The car drives (locals - cheap cars and 4WDs that actually dont look like chelsea tractors!) know about the event so they should give you a bit more respect but still watch out for the sunday drivers.

I did the climbs using a 34 x 26/25 and I felt it was just right for the 25% sections. I had just put on the compact chainset and new cassettee after riding a 39/25 and I have to say I'm so glad that I have. I wouldnt have stand a chance of getting up the climbs in (relative) comfort, so if you have a 39 on your bike a) your a 1st cat rider or b) very silly!

As for getting over the nerves, ride at your own pace (conserve your energy!), chat to the other cyclists (the time goes faster!) and break the ride down into smaller challenges and your'll be fine :)

See you all on Sunday!


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