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Date Posted: 13:19:05 05/08/06 Mon
Author: Mad dog
Subject: You Lot are Crazy - What gearing were you using

Rode part of the event yesterday and had a chat with some of you riding up Newlands Pass. I was amazed how many people didn't have a clue where they were on the course. I wasn't expecting local knowledge, but many had no idea how steep the passes were.

The pain on some of the faces! I could see why. 23 teeth was the lowest ratio they had on their cassette and a double chainset on the front too!

Please could anyone riding next year consider getting a 34 rear cassette! I know it comes down to money with some people, but please consider it. A compact double or a triple will help.

I was not surprised to hear of a casualty on Honister. This is a serious event with some hills you don't want to be racing down, if you don't know the hill well.

Sorry to sound a bit nanny state, but I picked a couple of lads up who had fallen.

Well done to all, apart form the those who used the casualty at the bottom of Honister as a chicane!

I heard there were a few fallers gong UP Hardknott even.

Great event, long may it live. Well done the organisers you give so much pleasure to so many.

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