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Date Posted: 04:40:54 05/24/06 Wed
Author: Mark Richardson
In reply to: Bitten off more than you can chew ? 's message, "Re: IRRESPONSIBLE RIDERS???" on 00:41:44 05/23/06 Tue

>>This is one of the best organised events I have been
>>Why should anyone else take on the organisation? All
>>mass participation events only allow a limited number
>>of participants. Although nobody can be stopped from
>>taking part unofficially, these parasites are putting
>>the whole event at risk.
>>I suspect that one mass ride a year is just about
>>acceptable to the authorities, but more than that, and
>>the whole thing would be stopped.
>>Putting on a shorter less technical alternative, would
>>water down the whole atmosphere of the event.
>>If you won't/can't conform to the rules of the event,
>>then organise your own, or ride it in a small group on
>>another day. People ride unofficially on the day of
>>the event, presumably because they enjoy the
>>atmosphere. If you really want to take part all you
>>have to do is get an early entry in. If you don't get
>>in try another event.
>>The Fred Whitton is unique, it is a credit to the
>>organisers, and shouldn't be undermined by the
>>selfishness of a few thoughtless people.
>Nicholas, Is that why you decided to enter the Etape
>which is only 2 weeks after the Whitton thus taking a
>place then decided not to ride the Etape because you
>were Ill so somebody else could have got a ride
>instead of being on the reserve list or even worse
>forcing somebody to ride on the day that didnt get an
>Does the phrase Bitten off more than you can chew mean
>anything to you ?

also, itwould be fairer to everybody who enters if hand delivered entries were not accepted, as i don't see why lakes riders should get an unfair advantage over every one else when the could ride this route locally at any time of the year any way.

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