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Date Posted: 23:57:24 12/31/02 Tue
Author: Wyvern's Flight
Subject: .but you must remember.
In reply to: Moon 's message, "He seemed to underestimate her, for she was indeed faster then she looked. She also had trained herself, for she had been kept aware of raids all her life, and had prepared for them. She quickly ducked to get under him, and slashed a claw up at his exposed belly as quick as she could. He could not dodge that completely, and even at his fastest, he would still get a slash." on 21:27:50 12/31/02 Tue

but you must remember, a wyvern against a dragon, and then again, not only you have had training...

indeed, the female was fast, he would have to be more careful, but there were still advantages to being small, underneath him now, she sought to claw at his exposed belly, think again, with a smooth move, well-trained, he flipped over easily due to his too-large wingspan, exposing instead the hard scales on his back, the claw raked irritatingly over them, but left but a scratch, tsk tsk, in a race, the wyvern will win, don't forget...

swooping around easily, he attacks again, this time going for her muzzle, dragon claws were too short to reach above the head, only her teeth were in the way, after all, who could get 100/100 for an aiming test against a lightning blur, why he would try his luck, her muzzle loomed closer as he readied his sharp little claws...

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