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Subject: NOT a Cruise Board

Lonny-Jay Renard
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Date Posted: 23:06:38 02/22/05 Tue

Hey to all you cheer fans out there!
We are sorry that PSE has not been updating our website. We are currently trying to find someone to help us out with that as we are all currently web idiots!
In regards to postings on here please keep them cheer related. This is not a msg forum to find pick ups. We are a squad dedicated to promoting equality through sport. Keep watch as we hope to be updating for new season soon. Anyone with web capabilities that would love to lend a hand please feel free to email us. We look forward to being a part of your community this year and below are a few dates in which you can catch us.

Friday March 19, 2005
Greeen With Envy Benefit at Woody's Pub 11725 Jasper Ave
*A fundraiser for PSE and HIV related charities. Catch some prizes, a drag show, food and a Bachelor/Bachelorette auction with your very own PSE members

May 28, 2004
Edmonton Coronation Ball
Command performance by PSE for our city's Empresses 29.

June 11 and 12
Calgary Pride Dance and Parade
Wow em in Calgary PSE Style. Dance and fun to be had all weekend.

June 18
Pride Squad Edmonton leads Edmonton's Pride Parade for 2005

June 19
PSE and Pride Society are proud to sponsor Fun and Fancy Free..a pride event for family and the community. Cheer camp, face paint, food and maybe some good old fashion softball.

June 25 & 26
PSE makes Canada known in San Fran Pride! Join us and 5 other cheer teams from North America in the first PCA Cheer gathering!

Hope to see some of you out at our events!

Lonny-Jay Renard
Captain PSE

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