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Subject: Dawn Land Children's Health Care Foundation

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Date Posted: 09:24:19 04/18/05 Mon

Hello Pride enthusiasts! I am organizing a WONDERFUL non- profit charity to participate in The Great Human Race on May 7. I am in near desperate need of participants! There's a few pictures on PSE's site from last years event. The main purpose of this event is to raise awareness. The foundation is 15 years old, and its specific purpose is to help dying kids stay at home with their families. All we ask is for a MINIMUM of $25.00 in sponsors, and you get a fun 3km morning walk, a t-shirt supporting the Great Human Race, and t-shirt supporting the Dawn Land Children's Health Care Foundation, and if you are available, and free lunch at Humpty's and a chance for great prizes! So there's the scoop. If ANYONE is interested, either in participating or sponsoring...please let me know. You can email me, or give me a call at 908 8775. Thanks so much.

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