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Subject: new member?

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Date Posted: 01:40:56 12/16/05 Fri

hello there edmonton pride team. my name is troy, i'm 19 and live in vancouver bc, i may move up to edmonton soon and was wondering if it wasn't to late to join the team that would be pretty wicked. i love cheerleading so much... miss it lots to. anywho some background info on me. so i joined my high school cheer team in grade 11... and did it for 2 years. In my grade 12 year i joined the vancouver allstars... you may or may not know who they are (they won canadian nationals last year) and for the last 2 years i have been coaching my old highschool team. i can base, third, front, and .. even top haha. i can also tumble.. i have a standing tuck, and backhandspring as well as round of backhandsprings and round off backhandspring back tuck. i'm .. 5'9'10ish and weight 150 lbs. but i would like to know some more info about your team? how many ppl do you have? whats the skill level like? and how much does it cost? and most important.. what kinda "Cheer" team is this? is it like rah rah at the gay games? or like doing a routine with stunts and tumbling? hope to hear back from you guys. if not good luck and best wishes

- Troy

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Welcome!Ryan McN18:05:37 12/17/05 Sat

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