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Subject: ok boys and girls...

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 27, 01:55:51pm

when Kim & I went to the Richard Petty Museum a couple of years ago, she talked me into sitting in a bumper car. Someone had painted it and given it to the King and he has it on display. Not sure if they actually allow people to sit in it but I did.

George has kindly painted a bumper car for my 1/24 scale race shop and he gave it to me for Christmas. No, I cannot sit in this one....

Thanks again George. Its pretty cool. I have an 18" tall stand-up of Kyle. I am going to reduce it in size so it will be life-size in 1/24 scale. In the main office at PE there is a stand up of Richard. I will put Kyle there and I'll put the bumper car there I think.

on another note.... on Christmas Eve we lost our hot water. Nothing would get it going.. its a new hot water heater. On Christmas Day I thought, hey, there is a fuse panel for that thing in the basement. I went down and checked. One of the 2 fuses had not only blown, it had blown apart. The metal peice that makes the connection has broken off and stuck to the panel. The fuse itself was burned black.
This morning I went out and bought a new fuse panel. I shut the power off at the main breaker. Now I am going down to change the panel myself. If you don't hear from me again, its because this didn't work out well.

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