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Subject: I think I will leave it just as George did it

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 27, 04:31:19pm

I have some small 45s that I may put on it but there will be no 43 on it. Kyle's the focus of Petty Enterprises North.
Besides, with the monster engine, its not an exact duplicate of the real one so I don't need to put numbers on it.

In the last few days I have bought some stuff for both the 35mm and digital cameras....

Cokin makes some nice filters for small digitals... the filter holder screws into the tripod mount and the filters slide into it directly in front of the lens. I bought a mount and 5 or 6 filters for it.
Also bought some filters for the 35...
center focus fog
soft focus
6 point rotating star

I want to try taking real photos of people and animals. I took some really nice ones of the deer in the yard. Got a good one of a doe and little one and had it blown up to 2 feet by 3 feet for Mom for Christmas.
I got a $50 gft card to Amazon so I bought 2 decent photography books with it.

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