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Subject: I suggest

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Date Posted: Monday, December 31, 09:17:51pm

If you DO decide to go that route. Check out a local high school night class... Not that you cant do it on your own, I have faith in you, but there are a few finesse things you can learn that will make it SO much easier.

I purchased all the enlargers I used to work with from AC for $150.00 . thats 3 4X5 Omegas with turret lens holders AND individual lens plates. and full spectrum of enlarger lenses for EACH enlarger. All have two light mixing boxes. They can also be used for B&W printing, All this equipment was ONCE worth thousands of dollars. I paid 150.00. THATS what digital has done to this industry.

But there is NOTHING like winding a roll of film on a reel, in complete darkness, processing it,then seeing the results right before your eyes. I recommend it to anyone who loves cameras and pictures. GO FOR IT!

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