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Subject: update on me

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Date Posted: Monday, January 07, 12:32:43pm

for the last week or so I have been having terrible and very constant headaches. all on the right side and all start at the base of the skull. The pain does not go away. Last night was by far the worst. I had the dry heaves early in the evening. at 10pm I took 3 dramamine... 2 usually put me to sleep, and I followed them with a double dose of nyquil. at 2am I was still wide awake and my head was just throbbing. 2 more dramamine and more nyquil. I still haven't been to sleep. at 9am I called my doctor and said I needed to see him now. I got in at 10:30. I have taken probably 35 or 40 tylenol in thepast week. he checked my eyes and made me walk a straight line and stuff. Then he pressed on the base of my skull and I damn near hit him. he asked me if I wanted to try an experiment. sure. so he froze the back of my head. I could hear crunching. I said "Is the needle scraping against my skull?" he said, "That noise is the needle going inside the skull." So he froze it and left me there for a few minutes. He said if the pain stops, there's nothing growing inside my head. Five minutes later you could have cut my head with a razor blade and it wouldn't have hurt.... but the headache was still there. So he gave me a prescription for a narcotic. I forget what its called. And he made an appointment to see me again Wed. I took the first 2 pills about an hour ago.
they contain:

I am about ready to fall asleep but the headache is still there. I probably have a golf ball in my head.

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