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Subject: I have something to say and I don't much care what anyone else thinks.

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Date Posted: Monday, January 07, 09:00:58pm

I don't know why but the kidnapping and apparent murder of georgia hiker Meredith Emmerson has been bothering me more than almost any other kidnapping. Maybe because this is a girl who knew how tod efend herself. I don't know. I do know this....

I want Gary Michael Hilton dead. Now. if it turns out eh's the wrong guy... sorry bout that. I just want someone dead now.

Years ago when I was running the donut shop we had a beautiful girl named Nina De Villiers come into the store a lot.
One day a man tried to cross into the United States from Canada. The US Border guards suspected he was hiding something and theys earched his car. They found a loaded gun. Unregistered. Why they did this is a mystery but instead of arresting him or turning him over to Canadian authorities, they sent him home... with his gun. Later that evening, he kidnapped Nina De Villier as she was jogging in a park.
Her disappearance hit me hard because the second I saw her photo in the paper I knew she was a regular customer. I immediately volunteered to help search. Hortons fed all of the searchers every day of the search.
Her dad came out and thanked us every day of the search. He wa sthe brain surgeon that operated on Wayne Gretzky's dad after his stroke so this crap can happen to anyone.
During the searches you're just sick to your stomach. You want to find something... anything... but you also pray to God you're not the guy who does.
In the end, they found her body in a ditch almost a hundred miles away from where we were searching.

That kidnapping really bothered me a lot. But this Meredith Emmerson kidnapping has too. I just want somebody dead. If Hilton is the wrong guy, well, we'll get to kill another one later.

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