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Subject: 22.00 is about right Rick.

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 10, 01:58:23pm

The lab I used to work for charged 26.00 for a roll of 24. (no matter how many prints were printed)This is how the industry is forcing the public into going digital. The problem is the film development...

to develop film properly there HAS to be a certain volume of film, to support the chemistry.
companies that build film processors, build them for high volumes of film. (at LEAST 10 rolls a day). When labs run less than that volume of film daily, the developer in a sense collapses. This is PART of the "science" of the industry I was trying to tell you about. There is SO much more.

Now, there ARE developer mixes labs CAN use for low volume but for some reason they refuse to "change over". I talked myself blue in the face trying to convince the owner of the lab I worked for to change over but he would have none of it. He STILL processes film in BAD chemistry DAILY.

THAT is one of the reasons I quit. I REFUSE to ruin peoples film, then lie to them saying it must be "old" film they bought.( that and I called him a lying bastard to his face);) Or some other LAME excuse. I thank GOD everyday I dont have to do that anymore.

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