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Subject: well

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 10, 10:07:53pm

thos pills he had me on were making me sick and sleepy but were not doing anything for the headaches. They were absolutely terrible. I thought I was dying. When I saw the doctor I put the bottle on his desk and told him to stick them up his ass. He laughed and suggested I take them back to the pharmacy and have them destroy them properly. He gave me 2 pills... big wafer type things. They melt under the tongue. Took one yesterday and one today. They didn't help. Anyway, he ordered a CT scan. It'll probably be a week or so before that gets done. He gave me a prescription for something. I took it in today but haven't picked them up yet.
The headaches are absolutely terrible. He said they sound like migraines except migraines normally go away at some point. Mine don't. he said until yesterday he was pretty sure there was nothing growing inside. Now he's not so confident. I go back to see him Wed.

I really hope this goes away because on Monday Skip starts obedience, on Wed she starts agility and on Thursday she starts flyball.

if any of you have never seen flyball... go here:

pretty cool. there is even a video of a 3 legged dog ding it.

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