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Subject: does anyone here watch Glenn Beck on headline News?

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Date Posted: Monday, January 14, 04:30:45pm

you should. anyway I just sent him an email....

Hey Glen. I have two comments. First I don't know why but the murder of Merideth Emerson is bothering me more than any other in a very long time. I want that guy dead. So my question is, since the powers that be were stupid enough to take the death penalty off the table... if they can prove he killed someone in Flordia, would Georgia be smart enough to drop the charges against him and send his sorry ass to Tallahassee where they actually do something about killers?
And second... this Marine who killed a fellow Marine... as if that's not bad enough... everyone is talking about hunting him down for the murder but no one is looking at something else.... if they can't find him, that means he has deserted.... isn't that in itself a death penalty offense in time of war?
Maybe we can geta twofer here. I'd throw the switch on either one of those bastards and I'd sleep well afterward.
Oh, one more thing... I think I'm going to have a bumper sticker printed:

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