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Saturday, March 15, 06:58:58amLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1234 ]
Subject: Skip started agility last night

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 15, 11:32:03am

She isn't afraid of anything but she is also not afraid to do her own thing... she sumersaulted out of a tunnel once and stopped inside a tunnel for 2 or three minutes. Finally we had to send another dog in to chase her out and they both stayed in there. I was getting frustrated but the club president said, "Relax Rick. At least she's having fun. That means eventually she'll get it. Just relax." I just keep thinking about how easy it was to teach Sheba.
Skip starts obedience tomorrow night and flyball Thursday night. I have my doubts about the obedience thing but I think she'll be awesome at flyball.

headache last night and this morning were worse than usual. I am anxious to get the ct scan done. I also see the doctor tomorrow so I want to ask him how long it'll take to get the results of the CT. Quick I hope.

Ok... I got an email last night from Rick macLeod. The government of Canada is outlawing the use of leaded fuel in racing. he sent me an email that was sent out by the president of the Canadian drag racers association.

Racers, it seems the sky is truly falling. The Government of Canada is planning to implement a total and permanent ban on the use of leaded fuels for competition purposes, effective January 1st, 2009.
If this happens, Professional Drag Racing in Canada is over. Immediately, completely and forever. This isn’t the same as the challenges we’ve faced in the past. This time, they’re dropping the ‘Big One’.
No Pro Mod, No Pro Stock, No Top Fuel or Nitro Funny Car and no American competitors in any of our sportsman classes.

It goes on....

I replied....

Nobody likes racing more than me but....
nascar switched to unleaded fuel and their speeds and reliability haven't faultered at all... well except for Dale Earnhardt JR but I blame his stepmom and not gas.
If nascar engine builders can built 800 horsepower engines that can do 180 miles per hour for 500 miles on unleaded fuel, then building a 1000 horsepower car that can last 7 seconds ought to be a snap.
How can a ban on leaded fuel possibly impact Top Fuel and Funny Car, when they burn nitromethane? Nitromethane is produced specifically as a fuel for drag racing, it is the result of a chemical reaction between nitric acid and propane. Its already unleaded.
if its legal for planes to burn leaded fuel then I would like to see a court challenge... planes are off-road vehicles, right? so are race cars. Instead of whining, they need to find a lawyer who also owns a race car.

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