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Subject: My insurance is due for renewal

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 17, 03:01:30pm

Been with the same company for a few years. When we signed on with them, we took the monthly payment plan. They insure the house and car. Both have to be paid seperately though and I get a discount for having both thru them.

House is $118. per month... had to make a double payment the first month. The broker told me that 'in a couple of years with us, you won't have to do that." I was very surprised at the first renewal time that I had to make that double payment again.

The car is $80 per month.

I got another letter from them this mornign reminding me to come in and make that double payment so my insurance on the house wouldn't lapse. I called to make an appointment and then after hanging up I decided to make some calls.

Banks in Canada now sell insurance. I called a couple... not the bank I deal with though. The Royal Bank of Canada...

house: $49 per month. Make one double payment and then never again.
Car: $56 per month

exactly the same coverage on car and house as I am getting now.
My insurance company has been stealing $69 from me every single month. How in bloody hell can that be legal? If one insurance company can sell a policy for $49 how can another one sell the same policy for $118???????

Insurance companies in Canada made record profits last year. I can't figure out why.

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