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Subject: well thanks George

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 19, 08:39:54pm

Todd I am absolutely sure they are all together.

Watching Court TV this morning... Wildest Police Videos... some dickhead in a Suburban was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt. Georgia I think. idiot runs for it. They set up a road block and he runs between them, wrecking a police car. Then he gets on a highway, running down the wrong side. a cop is on the bullhorn begging the guy to stop before he kills someone. He keeps going. Absolutely some of the most dangerous driving I have ever seen. I don't know how he wasn't killed or how he didn't kill someone else.
Finally they got a spike stick down and flattened his tires. He skidded into the median between the lanes. About a dozen ccops cars stop, surrounding him. First cop on the scene leaps out of his car, and leaves his door open. The dash cam from another car catches it. So that cop runs toward the truck with his gun out screaming for the guy to get out with his hands up.
Guy opens his door and starts to get out but his yellow lab leaps over him and runs toward the police and jumps in the cop car.

Now, I may be wrong but I think that guy's own dog just told him he was a dickhead.

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