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Date Posted: 05:03:06 09/29/11 Thu
Author: James M. Tyler
Subject: CANCELLATION of Nov. 12 Battle In The Burgh show

It is with deep regret that I must CANCEL the Nov. 12, 2011 "Battle In The Burgh" bodybuilding show, in Plattsburgh. As you recall, this was a re-scheduled show from May when mother nature kicked my butt. To date (9/29), I have 1 (ONE), application ONLY. As a promoter I have vendors, hotels, awards, goodies, etc. which costs THOUSANDS of $$$ each year. All these people deserve a reasonable notice when cancelling, to avoid them incurring loss of $$ also. I just can not afford to do this hoping application will come in. As a competitor, you know if you are competing or not, so I must assume there is just not the interest this year for a show. I love this sport and have always done my best to provide a very good show for everyone invloved , and know I achieved that. I brought bodybuilding to Plattsburgh 10 years ago and am proud of all the top notch competiotrs Plattsburgh has and will continue producing,but I must cancel. I take pride in always being straight forward with you all, so this decision is based primarily on a financial basis. thanks for all your support in the past, and I have made a ton of great friends over the last 10 years promoting/competing. REMEMBER,Halz is putting on a kickass show Nov. 19 in the Cuse', so keep training and head out there. I will be going to help the man who inspired me to promote!! JT

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