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Date Posted: 08:26:45 10/16/10 Sat
Author: D
Subject: Halloween Pasgeant


Now Offering: Photogenic Back Covers, Comp Cards and Banner Posting

Grand Supreme Beauty Pageant

SaturdayOctober 232010

Carroll County Civic Center


The Halloween pageant is always one of our most exciting.

Each contestant dresses in a Halloween costume of his/her choice.

Wow we have great costumes as well as a beauty competition

Halloween Costume: Be creative!

Contestants may bring their own music

(2 minutes max) and may use props (please no fireno dry iceand nothing that would "drip" on stage).

Absolutely everything for one low price of $65.00 **Pre-register for $60.00

You must be pre-registered through Paypal by October 15th to receive a trophy engraved with your name

And $5.00 off your Pageant Fee

We will except Door Entries. Cash only the day of the pageant

Special categories for Grand competition are for girls only
Supreme 0-9 years & 10-15 years for girls -- 0-6 years for boys

Free Beauty Only

Over-All Most Boo-tiful/HandsomeOver-All Photogenic

Halloween Costume

Outfit of Choice

All of the categories above are included in the Grand Scores


Fun Categories


Pumpkin Contest

Bring your carved or decorated pumpkin for our pumpkin Contest

One parent free with each contestant with $65.00 entry fee
Free Beauty door fee is $5.00 for everyone unless baby in arm or stroller
- You must have arm band to enter pageant armbands will be sold at the door $5.00 each

Children 4 and under admitted free.

Dress to Impress / Your Sunday Best! Or Pageant Wear


0-9 years --Sunday Best or Pageant Wear ** 10 & Older Pageant Wear

Girls Age Groups:

0-11mo 12-23mo 2-3yr 4-6yr 7-9yr 10-12yr 13-15yr 16 & up

Bring your carved or decorated pumpkin for our pumpkin Contest

We do not except checks the day of the pageant.

Cash Only the day of the pageant

Use paypal to pay your pageant fees.


Sibling Discounts available for Pre-registered contestants only
Referrals: 3 or more to enter the Grand/Supreme Pageant and

Your Grand Supreme Pageant is FREE

The Contestant bringing the most referrals will be our Referral Queen

They can not be related to you or on our mailing list.

Referrals will be sorted out a few days after the pageant.

You will be called if you have 3 using you as their referrals.

We do not double crown




You will able to pick up registration forms at the McKenzie Banner
If you decide to register the day of the pageant it is Cash Only.
Mail your registration form and fees to: Reni' Productions 2006 BluestemBurlingtonKY

If you have any questions call: 731-694-7355.

Registration for both boys & girls starts at 1:00. Pageant starts 2:00.

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