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Date Posted: 08:26:20 04/17/16 Sun
Author: Knuit Holt

How to Make a Simple and Tasteful Law Calorie Tuna or Chicken Salad

This is a receipt for a simple and nutritious salad that you can eat in the morning, in the evening or even as an easy dinner. If you are slimming, this kind of salad gives you the absolute control of the intake of nutrients and calories you need to be successful.

You use these ingredients for one portion that is made in a small bowl and eaten from the same bowl.

- 150-200 g crushed or sliced cooked tuna, or sliced cooked chicken.

- Finely sliced raw broccoli. Only use the outer thin branches with the flowers.

- Finely sliced raw tomato or paprika.

- Finely sliced raw onion.

- You take so much of these vegetables that the bowl is well filled.

- Some finely sliced garlic.

- 2 tablespoon of olive oil.

- A little vinegar if you like it.

- Some cayenne, ginger or other spices you like. Be aware that cayenne has a very strong taste.

- Some salt if the tuna or chicken is not already salted.

You firstly put the tuna into the bowl and blend in the spices and the garlic. Then you slice the vegetables and blend them with the spiced tuna. At last you blend in the olive oil and the vinegar.

You can of course blend in other vegetables, fruit or things like cheese or feta. Be aware that cheese and feta are fat. These two ingredients are also best together with chicken. Some sliced orange or raw blueberries give the salad some sweet and fresh taste that combines very well with the taste of the other ingredients.

As a drink to the salad, you can use pure water or fruit juice without added sugar. You should blend concentrated juice with water to avoid too much sugar. Grape juice fits especially well to this salad.

Cooked tuna or chicken can be bought in every supermarket. But you can of course cook some amount of it yourself beforehand and store it in the freezer to make many salad portions from.

This salad gives you proteins, vitamins, minerals and some healthy fat. But you need some carbohydrates too. You can get that by eating some sliced full corn bread to the salad. Smear some olive oil upon the bread to make it soft. A little honey upon the bread is also tasty. You can also eat some cooked beans, peas or corn to the salad. Do not blend these ingredients into the salad, but you can put them in the same bowl beside the salad.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues and to improve fitness


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7938817

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