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Welcome to the Blues Dragon Club Message Board
Views expressed on this message board do not necessarily represent the views of the Blues Dragon Club or its management.
Please only post messages about MUSIC
If you wish to discuss matters concerning the content of this message board please contact Alan by email: alan45t@btinternet.com
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Subject Author Date
Hamilton Loomis & The GATEDa Management 4/08/06 10:10am
Jack the Biscuit new websiteJack The Biscuit (:D) 3/08/06 3:31pm
TS Blues Band - The Malsters Arms WhitchurchJeff 3/08/06 10:40am
T.S. Blues BandDirk Devlin Promotions 2/08/06 6:02pm
HAMILTON LOOMIS at THE GATE Thursday 3 AugustAlan 2/08/06 10:01am
Tin Pan Alley - The End Of The RoadSteve Byrne (Sad)30/07/06 10:29am
Emoticons now available (NT)Alan30/07/06 11:33am
The end of the line for Tin Pan AlleyChris29/07/06 8:12pm
Drummer looking for bandSteve28/07/06 11:25am
Smokey and the boysWaldorf (happy)28/07/06 10:48am
WiyosWaldorf (WORRIED)27/07/06 8:21am
The Thurs shamblesDa management18/07/06 9:27am
Worried MenWaldorf (Confused)14/07/06 3:12pm
Worried MenHoward14/07/06 10:23am
GroanerCloda Rubbish/Dai Carpet10/07/06 8:55pm
Pat GroverHoward16/06/06 10:28am
Jack the Biscuit fans - check out the gigall website for band infoAlan 9/06/06 7:16pm
Talkin' Blues on gigall.co.ukBrian15/06/06 2:21pm
ShakedownBob Lloyd 4/06/06 9:56pm
Jack the BiscuitTom Clode 9/06/06 9:08am
Brian the Digestivedai carpet 9/06/06 9:05am
Open NightSkinman 2/06/06 7:21am
AWESOMEJane25/05/06 11:35pm
Yamaha Electro/Acoustic For Sale!Tom Clode10/05/06 5:22pm
Talkin' Blues @ The Dragonkenrolli19/05/06 2:15pm
Jack The BiscuitAlan20/05/06 2:14pm
Dai's jokeAlan 6/05/06 7:52pm

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