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Subject: Re: AWESOME

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Date Posted: 26/05/06 5:03pm
In reply to: Jane 's message, "AWESOME" on 26/05/06 12:35am

As De management were saying ......they get top class bands to the club which obviously do cost more and yet people dont come to see them.People think nothing of paying 10 - 15 quid to watch bands at the Point or Coal Exchange yet wont pay a fiver to come to the club to watch some really AMAZING Muso's.I know the bar is usually closed upstairs but its not that far really to nip downstairs.

We all have other commitments etc and cant always make it every week it is just a great shame when Col and Rory go to the trouble of booking some of the bigger named bands ( BIG DEZ , Memphis in the Mean time , Storm Warning to name but three ) the club is half empty.Maybe its just one of those things and there is no rhyme or reason to the lack of turn out.

Bet its packed next week tho eh ? :-) Fingers Crossed :-)

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Subject Author Date
Re: AWESOMEChris26/05/06 7:12pm
Re: AWESOMEChris26/05/06 7:25pm
Re: AWESOMEWaldorf 1/06/06 9:44am

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