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Subject: The Thurs shambles

Da management
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Date Posted: 18/07/06 10:27am

In reply to Chris's comment, I probably have heard louder bands (Trafficker maybe?) the problem with Thursday was that the windows were rattling and the effects of the bass could be heard and seen in the bar and to be fair to Terry he mentioned it with a smile. However on the third time of telling me I asked Jamie to make sure the sound came down quite a bit. That's when it all went pear shaped.
As Tom says, it is Terry's pub and his name is on the licence. However should he get complaints, he will have no option but to shut the club, and that is beyond our control.We have already had one visit from the council officers with their decibel meters, (Pat Grover was playing at the time) I have no doubt that had Worried men or Trafficker been playing we would have had at least a warning or a withdrawl of the music licence.
To take it to a ridiculous conclusion, it maybe that as a club we are responsible for the noise levels and, in the future, not only could we be fined, we could also be sued for damage to someones hearing (not as far fetched as it seems so keep an eye out for disclaimer notices in the club)
It is a fine balance that we have to try and work with and in my experience most bands will work with you.
I was also told that the band could be heard on the bridge over the railway.
After ten years I would hate the club to close cos we were too loud!!

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