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Subject: The end of the line for Tin Pan Alley

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Date Posted: 29/07/06 9:12pm

Well is seems that Tin pan Alley are going to call it a day their last gig is on August 4th. They have been one of the bands that started off in the early days of the club. Those of us that having been attending the club since the first years will remeber seeing them play for the fisrt time at the club. I have to say I was not that keen on them to start with. I though here we go another band from Newport with most of them wearing tight drain pipe jeans pointed boots and a big hat trying to be like the white amercian blues rock guitarist's. Then they came back for many a return gig and I warmed to them, we at the club watched the band grow and change from that band that first turned up at the club. I loved them so much I booked for them for my 40th birthday back in 2000.
Then when Tim annouced he was leaving we were all gutted.
I remember Tims' last gig was at the club, I sat at the front for the scond half sitting next to his Mother. We thought that would be the end but then along came Mark followed by Chris and they added a new dimension to the band. I wish them all good luck in what eve they do and what ever direction they take. I know we will still be seeing Nick and Chris at the club and Cafe Jazz in Jack the Biscuit, and I see Steve has a message on here drummer looking for a band.

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