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Subject: Hamilton Loomis & The GATE

Da Management
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Date Posted: 4/08/06 11:10am

I would like to offer my apologies to all those of you who attended the Hamiltom Loomis Gig last night.
Don't get me wrong, I thought that he was a great showman and the band was brilliant.
It's just that due to things beyond our control, the cold beer ran out, then the beer ran out, then the cider ran out (as I was waiting in the queue???) the change ran out there was no ice, people had to queue for a while. There were no tables on the dance floor as asked for and the PA was not what we expected. (and if anyone has seen the sound engineer that we hired please let us know cos we sure as hell didn't see him for long.
To be fair to Hamilton, he sorted his own sound out with a cobbled togeher PA system. Something that he was not expecting to do.and still performed well.
A great gig let down somewhat by the venue.
However be assured that we will be talking to the Gate re. the problems.
and once again thanks for supporting the club.
PS its was good watching Gwyn and the boys drinking "Cherry Beer?"

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Re: Hamilton Loomis & The GATETallboy 4/08/06 1:57pm

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