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03/13/25 13:27Login ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time ]

Space 4 Rent @ " A Day in the Par"
Welcome Infinity Concepts Entertainment Presents, “A Day in the Park” “A Day in the Park” is an event that the whole family can enjoy. Bringing together people from all ethnicities and cultural diversity. A day of relaxation with foods, drinks, arts & crafts, and entertainment. Mission Statement: Infinity Concepts Entertainment is a company dedicated to bringing forth the best and brightest of entertainment to San Antonio, TX. Infinity Concepts Entertainment will provide a diversity of entertainment to satisfy all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The vision of ICE is to build a lasting relationship with business leaders while contributing to the growth of San Antonio. Infinity Concepts Entertainment was created to give San Antonio a voice when it comes to entertainment. San Antonio is one of the largest cities in the country, coming in at # 8. With a city as large as San Antonio, there are plenty of opportunities, which can be beneficial to both business owners and entrepreneurs. Location: Camargo Park in San Antonio, TX will be the location of the event. The Event is scheduled for April 26, 2004. Time: 11:00am to 7:00pm Promotion: The event will be broadcasted over THE BEAT 98.5 fm two weeks prior to the date of the event. By using THE BEAT, we will reach an audience of more than a million listeners. There will be more than 10,000 flyers handed throughout the city of San Antonio, Texas. There will be two large Banners hung at major intersections, one at? and another at? Event Amenities: Security will be handled by SAPD; there will be six officers for the duration of the event. There will be 20 Food and Beverage vendors located throughout the park. There will be between 20 and 30 Arts & Crafts vendors throughout the park. There will be 2 Clowns for live Entertainment. A Moonwalk (15 x15) will also be located in the children area. A Band will perform throughout the day and a DJ will perform during intermissions. A First Aid tent will also be on premises. The park will have 16 additional Waste facilities. Infinity Concepts Entertainment will provide staff. Projected attendance is between 4000 and 5000 patrons.
Infifnity Concepts Entertainment

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All interested Vendors should conctact ICE ASAP as space is limited. teamice@earthlink.net
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