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Subject: ~Tears spring to her eyes as only one comes forth. She trots down to Wind Dancer>>~

Heaven's Whisper
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Date Posted: 10:20:04 04/19/01 Thu
In reply to: Wind Dancer 's message, "Here1 *canters gracefully up. Dark lonely eyes striving to see a stallion around*" on 00:13:31 04/08/01 Sun

Thank you, thank you for being loyal. ~She nuzzles the other lonely mare and sighs deeply~ Blue Fyre's Rebellion will attack, she knows we are weak... ~Fear glistens in her eyes as the figure of the black, blue eyed mare attacks with her sidekick pegusus mare (Revenge) both trying to kill her{Heaven}...~ Oh! What will happen now?

Heaven's Whisper

{ooc: Hey, Wind Dancer, I really do want to thank you for being as loyal as you are, this game like, FELL APART when I changed the boards, and now Expage won't let me in to change my page... :(... I've created another game, called Valley Everlasting. It is much better, and I'll be there (With Heaven's Whisper and Blue Fyre's Rebellion), and as the Queens, Lee Onne' (Light) and Jafeare (Dark). If you want, you can go and join there, I'm thinking of deleting this game.... I might just move it though... He he! Well, you're welcome to go there, just post your stats on the joining board (They're all of Boards2Go) and claim one of the territories. I've got one unicorn called The Star Light Knight (No name, title) who's joined from my second game (The Last Unicorns). Here's the Link to Valley Everlasting: Valley Everlasting

If that doesn't work, here's the url:
just copy and paste that!}

Thanz again
...:::The Webmistress:::...
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