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Date Posted: 08:47:14 10/19/04 Tue
Author: it's true
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Yes
In reply to: i give a fuck 's message, "actually, come to think of it" on 08:37:20 10/19/04 Tue

Both Doreen Peri and LRod have been asked not to participate on Litkicks any more.


Ask Levi why. Who knows.

They are not among "the chosen".


>It's one thing to kick out trolls who are on your
>website for the sole purpose of disrupting it.
>It's another thing entirely to tell people you don't
>like their personality and kick them off your site
>because they don't think the way you do and have a
>different style of communicating.
>Such a website should NOT be a public website. If the
>webmaster wants a website where he picks and chooses
>those who he wants to participate in his projects, he
>should do just that. Close the door to the public.
>Hand pick his participants. Send them an email to
>invite them and take the darn thing off line.
>Once a webmaster begins arbitrarily ousting the
>general public because of personality differences or
>for whatever reason he decides, the site is no longer
>a public site, it's a private site and it should be
>handled that way.
>I don't know how many people have been told to leave
>Litkicks for no other reason than Levi didn't like
>them. I'd like a head count.
>I have the feeling there are quite a few.
>>>1 - How fukkin' god awful can litkicks get? (Anyone
>>>looking for a text book case of online community
>>>mismanagement need look no further)
>>>2 - Where is Cap'n Knipper? Having a public meltdown
>>>and then simply running away can't be something he
>>>learned in the Kanuck navy, can it?

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