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Date Posted: 22:40:11 10/19/04 Tue
Author: Max Bacon
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Subject: last week's pain?
In reply to: knip 's message, "hmmm" on 22:30:48 10/19/04 Tue

I could've sworn it was you that was posting here causing pain to innocent parties. Your allegations, I think you now know this, were well off the mark. I haven't seen an apology yet.

What happened to the concept of being an officer and a gentleman?

>not enough clues yet to KNOW who you are...but some
>references and knowledge of time zones certainly leads
>me to some clues
>but really, anonymous discussion is just words, near
>as i can tell...without context, without knowing who
>is saying it, there is no reference against which to
>frame those words
>as far as the likes/dislikes argument goes, i work by
>the assumption that i am not aware of the whole
>story....so all i have to go by is the little bit i
>know of the personalities involved
>and i happen to be aware that lrod and dp have
>volatile personalities, in fact i think they will
>admit they feed off that for their art
>so what is left for me? i decide based on what i
>know, what i perceive, based on statements from
>people...people who identify themselves so i can tell
>where they are coming from and judge
>accordingly...which is why i place relatively little
>importance on the opinions of anonymous posters
>in this case, however, i choose to not make a
>decision....i like the participants too much to go out
>on that line...
>but i do appreciate the fact that someone understood
>my pain last week

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